Live Electric Blue Lobster Crayfish for Freshwater
Live Electric Blue Lobster Crayfish for Freshwater

Live Electric Blue Lobster Crayfish for Freshwater Aquariums - Juvenile to Adult

Product ID : 49507846

Galleon Product ID 49507846
Shipping Weight 0 lbs
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Manufacturer Bugs And More Store
Shipping Dimension 0 x 0 x 0 inches
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Live Electric Blue Lobster Crayfish for Freshwater Features

  • Fresh Water Blue crayfish, also known as electric blue crayfish or blue lobsters, are popular aquarium pets due to their striking blue coloration. They are freshwater crustaceans that belong to the family Cambaridae.

About Live Electric Blue Lobster Crayfish For Freshwater

Crayfish will be 3/4 inch to 2 inch long. Blue crayfish, also known as electric blue crayfish or blue lobsters, are popular aquarium pets due to their vibrant coloration. Proper care is essential to ensure their well-being. Here's a care guide for blue crayfish: Substrate: Use a substrate of fine gravel or sand to mimic the crayfish's natural habitat. Hiding Places: Include caves, rocks, and driftwood to create hiding spots for the crayfish. Cover: Make sure the tank has a tight-fitting lid as crayfish are skilled escape artists. Water Parameters: Temperature: Maintain the water temperature between 65-75°F (18-24°C). pH Level: Aim for a slightly alkaline pH between 7.5-8.0. Water Hardness: Keep the water moderately hard with a dGH of 8-15. Filtration: Use a reliable aquarium filter to maintain water quality. Water Quality: Regular Water Changes: Perform regular partial water changes (around 25% every two weeks) to remove accumulated waste. Dechlorination: Use a water conditioner to remove chlorine and chloramines from tap water before adding it to the tank. Ammonia and Nitrite Levels: Monitor ammonia and nitrite levels regularly and ensure they are at 0 ppm. High levels are toxic to crayfish. Feeding: Omnivorous Diet: Blue crayfish are omnivores and will eat a variety of foods. Commercial Foods: Provide a balanced diet of high-quality sinking pellets or sticks formulated for crayfish. Protein Sources: Offer occasional protein-rich foods like frozen or live brine shrimp, bloodworms, or daphnia. Vegetables: Include blanched vegetables such as zucchini, spinach, or peas as part of their diet. Behavior and Compatibility: Solitary Animals: Blue crayfish are generally solitary and can be aggressive towards other crayfish or tank mates. Tank Mates: Avoid keeping them with slow-moving or long-finned fish as they may be seen as prey. Suitable tank mates include fast-moving fish like danios or barbs. Territorial Behavior: Provide enough hiding spaces to minimize territorial disputes. Maintenance: Regular Tank Maintenance: Clean the tank regularly, removing any uneaten food or debris to maintain water quality. Molting: Crayfish periodically molt their exoskeleton. Leave the old shell in the tank as the crayfish may consume it to replenish calcium levels. Observation and Care: Watch for Signs of Illness: Monitor the crayfish for any signs of illness such as lethargy, loss of appetite, or unusual coloration. Quarantine New Additions: When adding new crayfish or tank mates, quarantine them first to prevent the introduction of diseases. Remember, each crayfish is unique, and individual care requirements may vary. Regular observation and adjusting the care accordingly will help ensure a healthy and thriving blue crayfish in your aquarium.